5 Free Strategies to Give Your Small Business a Marketing Boost

Small businesses in Brisbane don't always have the funds available to invest in expensive marketing strategies, but there are still plenty of ways to give your business a boost. Here are five free strategies that you can use to jumpstart your business's marketing efforts:

1. Google My Business Listing: Create a free Google My Business account to increase your online visibility, allowing your business to show up on Google Maps and local search results. This is an essential tool for local businesses to attract potential customers.

2. Social Media Engagement: Utilise platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to engage with your target audience. Share relevant content, interact with followers, and participate in industry-related discussions to build brand awareness and credibility.

3. Email Marketing: Use personalised email marketing campaigns to connect with your customers and prospects. Offer valuable content, promotions, or updates to keep them engaged and encourage repeat business. Start with a free email marketing service like MailChimp to manage your campaigns.

4. Content Creation: Write informative blog articles, create infographics, or produce videos related to your industry to showcase your expertise and provide helpful information to your audience. Share this content on your website, social media channels, and through email marketing to drive traffic and improve search rankings. I know business owners are short on time, so why not explore using AI to brainstorm content ideas?

5. Networking and Local Events: Attend industry conferences, trade shows, and local events to network with like-minded individuals and potential customers. Participate in community activities like the Brisbane City Council's drop-in sessions) or host your own classes and workshops to establish your business as a valuable resource within your community.

If you need help kickstarting your digital marketing, book in a free consultation with me and we can chat through your business and marketing needs.

Hannah Lucas